Monday, May 13, 2013

Reign on Me

“The LORD reigns, let the earth be glad; let the distant shores rejoice.”   Psalm 97:1

“Rain, rain, go away
Come again another day
My boys really need to go
Outside to play.”

If I’ve learned anything over the past few weeks as we’ve been soaked with rain, it’s that this family does not need to move to Seattle, England, or the Tropical Rain Forest in the foreseeable future.  These boys really don’t need to be cooped up in the house and mama really doesn’t need them to be either.  Even after surviving the pent-up energy levels, there’s the mud to deal with.  Whoever designed my kids’ shoes with all of their crevices for holding dirt, mud, and rocks, must have had enough money to hire a maid.  Now don’t get me wrong, I like the rain.  Rain that fits into the day’s plans.  Rain that doesn’t ruin a picnic or parade. There’s nothing like a nice shower to cool a hot day.  Or a steady rain when you can curl up with a blanket and a bowl of soup.  It’s the times when you’re out trying to do life and the drizzles turn into downpours that get to me.  When you’re holding a toddler’s hand, pushing a shopping cart, and attempting to load up the week’s groceries.  The times when the flat iron has made it out of the cabinet and through your hair and of course, the umbrella is no where to be found.  Or when you’ve gone out on a limb and mopped the floors and the children run through the backdoor with a vengeance (see above reference to mud.)  Rain that muddies life.

“Reign, Reign, go away
Come again another day
This girl really wants her own way.”

Then there are those times when the skies are clear and we've got it all together.  Things are nice and neat, just the way we want.  Jobs seem secure, relationships feel comfortable, someone agrees to try spinach at dinner.  Life is sunny.  Then the drip drops gently descend or the bottom falls out and life is no longer the way we’ve planned.  We stomp our feet in the puddles and demand life go the way we desire forgetting that the One who creates the rain is reigning.

“Reign, Reign, come today.
Rule my life in every way.
This girl really wants You to stay.”

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